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Why Should You Create an eBook for Your Blog? (And How to Do It?)

Why Should You Create an eBook for Your Blog? (And How to Do It?) thinkmaverick

Why Should You Create an eBook for Your Blog? (And How to Do It?) thinkmaverickThere’s no better time to learn something new than right at this moment.


Whether you’re a blogger looking for ways to monetize a blog, or simply just want to make some passive income online, you should start writing a book!


“Why should I create an eBook?”


“Is it really worth the effort?”


Self-publishing is one of the best and easiest online business method, which I have tried, and it worked great for me.


Because of my eBooks continue to work 24/7/365 for as long as I want, I’m able to work from home and travel whenever I want.


I’m so grateful that now I can share the reasons of why I self-publish and to help others do the same.


If you aren’t sure whether, you’re emotionally, mentally, financially, and physically ready to take the plunge, keep on reading.


7 Reasons Why Should Create an eBook

1. It’s Easy

Unlike many startups or businesses which require initial investments, you can start creating and publishing your first book with literally zero cost.


There are no physical stocks to manage and middlemen to deal with to have your book published.


Just imagine how your eBook will continue to sell for years to come is really intriguing!


For my first book, I spent less than $30 to get it done and I earned $183 for the first month, that’s over 500% profit. What I did next was reinvesting the profit and keep publishing more books.


It’s like an ATM machine. How much would you put into it if you know it almost always has positive revenue?


2. It’s Hard

You heard that right.

If writing an eBook was easy, then everyone would do it and everyone would make thousands of dollars a month.


The best-selling authors were, at one point, pretty bad.


But, everyone has been in that same place, self-publishing is difficult before it becomes easy.


Well, everyone should do something hard and scary at some point.


That’s how we actualize, expand and fully expressing ourselves. And do things that worth doing and do it well.


Writing an eBook is not for everyone, but those who could do it, it’s a simple and least investment business model to make great money.


3. Build Trust and Establish Authority

Whether you’re a blogger, a freelancer, a writer or a small business owner, creating eBooks can be a great way to establish yourself as an expert.


No matter which niche or industry you’re in, everyone has some experience, knowledge and expertize to share.


By putting out the best content in an eBook, you can instantly set yourself apart from other influencers, bloggers and gurus in your niche.


Not only that, you can build trust and reputation through eBooks. People know that you understand the subject matter well; you will always be the leader or person that they will refer to.


4. Expand your Audience

EBooks can help you grow your reach, generate more targeted leads and improve revenues.


I found that create an eBook and give it away for free is the most effective ways to grow your audience tremendously and getting TONS of FREE traffic back to your blog or website.


Leverage on a major marketplace like Amazon, your eBook can help you attract new audience that are highly interested in your products or services.


5. More Opportunities

With the increased visibility and reputation, eBooks will also create new opportunities for you such as getting speaking engagements or consulting projects (which are very lucrative).


The reason is very simple: If a company is going to choose between two bloggers, they’ll pick the one who has written a book.


Get creative and rise above the competition.


6. Passive Income

I’m a huge fan of passive income, and creating eBooks is my favorite all-time business model.

Learning how to create and selling information products completely changed my life for the best.


With that said, you still need to invest some time to learn the craft and create your ebook- writing, editing, and designing book cover.


Once you hit the publish button, you can earn passive income by selling it over and over again.

That’s the beauty of self-publishing and also why I love this stream of passive income so much.


7. Make an impact

It has never crossed my mind that by publishing eBooks I can actually make an impact on someone’s life, leave a legacy and even save a life (and not necessarily just monetarily).


I learned that from my father-in-law.


For him, the primary goal of writing an eBook is to share his personal experience and real-life secret that has saved him from one (probably multiples) fatal heart attack.


So he wrote that book, and then pay it forward by helping others.


So I really believe that each and every one of us has a story to tell and a little secret to share with the world.

Because if it matters to you, most probably it’ll matter to others.


How to Write, Launch and Sell Your First eBook

So now you’re convinced and determined than ever to start writing your first book, but where should you begin?


To make things easy and simple for you, here’re few resources that can help you to start your eBook publishing, building a passive income and ultimately quit your day job!


 1. 12-day Self-Publishing Blog Series. Start your Day 1 here.


2. Grab my Daily publishing e-course for Free. Simply enter your email address and you’ll get your daily e-course straight into your inbox!

If you wish there was someone out there who could just show you, step-by-step, exactly what you need to do to create an eBook – from scratch, then you should consider joining this free e-course.

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