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Top 10 Inspirational Bhagavad Gita Quotes for Entrepreneurs

10 inspirational bhagavad gita quotes for entrepreneurs

1o inspirational bhagavad gita quotes

Everyone faces challenges, big and small, in their everyday life. Arjuna’s dilemma was a big one. 


Facing an opposing army containing his respected elders, friends and relatives, Arjuna is confused. At the critical moment, he seeks advice from his charioteer, Lord Krishna who has revealed some profound words of advice that still relevant today.


Bhagavad-Gita is 700-verse Hindu scripture, written in Sanskrit, contains a vast sea of knowledge and practical guide to life. It’s a primary source of inspiration for Mahatma Gandhi and many other famous leaders like Henry David Thoreau,  Ralph Waldo Emerson and Carl Jung.


As an entrepreneur, I think it’s more than an inspiration book. Often, when in doubts I’ll contemplate on the verses, reflect the meaning of life and get my life back on track. In short, this epic scripture has the answers to all our problems.


Here I give you my favorite list of Bhagavad-Gita quotes that will enlighten you.


1. Change is the law of the universeYou can be a millionaire or a pauper in an instant.


Nature teaches us about change. We have to understand that nothing is permanent in our lives. Even our mere existence on Earth is just temporary. In the cycle of life, there are neither losers nor winners. There’s only movement, stages that we have to go through. When you truly understand this, you’ll be able to accept tough times and not be deceived by moments of glory.




2. We are kept from our goal not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal.


Are you dreaming big enough? What’s stopping you from achieving your goals?


Having a lack of clarity is why many people settle for less than they can be. Often, people will abandon their dreams and take the easier path. But in order to achieve big things, you need clarity to help you stay on track and keep reaching for your dream.


Don’t settle for less than what you’re capable of, strive to be better and work for something bigger.



3. Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.


Research has shown that you’re what you believe yourself to be. The mind is everything. When you change the inner attitudes of your minds, you can change the external life.


Remember what you perceive is what you believe. If you let negative thoughts take over your mind, you may feel unhappy, depressed and miserable. If you feed your mind with positive thoughts, you become happy. The beauty is that our mind is under our control. Be the master of your own minds.


4. When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place.


Meditation is the best way to calm your mind and give you immense peace of mind. Even sitting still with eyes closed our minds race a million miles an hour. When eyes open, we take in a barrage of images that stir our minds and emotions. With all the must do’s rule our lives. 


Think meditation is boring? But the truth is sometimes we tend to overcomplicate things. It’s so much easier than you thought. Simply spend few minutes every day and sit in dhyana to attain inner peace. Or just take a long breath. You can practice this simple meditation from a quiet corner of your bedroom or office space. It’ll help you clear your mind, reduce attachment to your thoughts, make better decisions in life and business.


5. Lust, anger and greed are the three doors to self-destructive hell.


Lust (Kaam), anger (Krodh) and greed (Lobh) have done us no good. They disturb the balance of our soul and mind. Lord Krishna concisely enunciates that lust, anger and greed are the three doors leading directly to hell.


Unreasonable craving for sex will destroy purity of mind, greed will never let you be satisfied and anger will drive people away from you. Hence we should be extremely vigilant to avoid these 3 doors and stay far away at a safe distance.


6. You have the right to work, but never to the fruit of work.


Do favors and don’t expect anything in return (Karm karo, phal ki chinta mat karo) is the wisest message the Bhagwad Gita gives us.


Understand that we have control over actions and work but we have no command of the results.


We all live in this modern, result-oriented world, we only care about the outcome and will do anything to achieve the results.


We always look for the shortcuts. But Krishna stated that we should avoid this attachment to the results. Because when expectations are not met, emotional attachment to the fruit of work will lead to bitterness. It’s the greatest impediment to success.



7. Whatever happened, happened for the good. Whatever is happening, is happening for the good. Whatever will happen, will also happen for the good.

Stuck in a worry loop? It’s time to break free from excessive worry!

Everyone worries. But don’t let such thoughts hold you back in life. Miss your sales target, a marketing campaign that didn’t perform well or a relationship that didn’t work out.


Don’t stress. Whatever is meant to happen will happen and everything happens for a reason.


If you’re going through a rough patch, hang on! It’s part of a cycle. Face it and learn to accept it. You don’t have to worry about the future and don’t carry the past around like a burden. The present is the only moment that you ever have. Live in the moment and give your 100% at everything you do.


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8. You came empty handed and you will leave empty-handed.


Living in this materialistic world, we focus mainly on tangible material things. We get so attached to material items. We want a bigger house, a shinier car, and more cash in the bank. But what we forget is that we can never take all these things with us to the grave.


We came to this world as naked and empty-handed and we will take nothing with us at death. Learn not to attach to material things before things start possessing us.


9. Our own mind acts like an Enemy if we do not control it.


Our mind is our best friend and also our worst enemy. The mind isn’t you. But it’s a tool that you must master and use it well. What’s the little voice that chattering inside your mind? Listen closely and don’t let it sabotage your success.


10. Anything in this world can be achieved or overcome through the “Power of will”


You’re so much stronger than you think. The power of will can overcome anything.



What are your favorite quotes from Bhagavad Gita?


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