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The Simple Success Secrets That Almost Everybody Overlooks…

What Everybody Overlooks..

to become the Unstoppable Entrepreneur!


What one factor determines your success? A lot of people get this wrong and because they get this question wrong, they end up suffering with a tremendous amount of extra effort for very little payoff.

What is the most profitable task that you can do right now? Specific to your business, specific to your situation – you need to know that answer!


Who am I and why should you believe me? 

I’m not here to brag about myself. I’m not going tell you who my clients are, my testimonials, the companies I’ve worked with – we’re just going to pass that. I’ve got no reason to be a braggart and to let you know how wonderful I think I am and how others think I am, but I really want you to get absorbed into this.

What will determine your personal success?

A lot of people have a lot of different answers. They believe it’s their intelligence, or their strengths. Or it may be – what you bring to the table? Is it your creativity? Your commitment level, you’re willing to put in more hours, etc.? Your passion? Your luck? Is business success just a factor of luck? Is it your winning personality? Is it your willingness to do whatever it takes? Bend the rules, circumvent the law, whatever? Is it the knowledge that you’ve acquired? Or the connections that you have? Or the tools that you have? Or the skills that you’ve developed?

Think about it for a second and just mentally commit to one of these.

What do you think it is? Do you think it’s your intelligence, strength, experience? What is it?

It’s none of these. None of these determine your success. And that might sound shocking like all of these are contributors of success. What do you mean this won’t contribute to my success?

Well, they all define your potential, but they don’t define your success. So, if you’re not currently living up to your full potential, right, then adding more potential is not the answer. The answer is to tap into more of your potential.

This is an important concept to understand because this is a rookie mistake that most business owners make. They think that if they increase their potential in all the areas of their business, their business will rise. It will rise but it will be microscopic compared to what it could be if that energy was focused on what was stopping someone from tapping into their full potential.

Now if you have that certainty & confidence – that you’re certain of just the one missing piece that you needed right now in your business. There wasn’t any confusion – And because you knew that one thing, you could concentrate all your effort on just that one thing. That one leverage point that would give you the maximum payoff. So all of a sudden business became a hell of a lot easier. Right? – you weren’t torn in a hundred directions. You knew the one thing and you focused on it entirely. Because of that, the profits poured in.


What a DEAD Billionaire can teach you about business...

Ever here of a guy named John D. Rockefeller?He died in 1937… but according to Forbes, the fortune he amassed in the oil industry reached 663.4 billion dollars in 2007 dollars…(yes- you read right- over half a trillion dollars…)

If you don’t know much about him, you probably know this famous quote by him:“I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts.”Isn’t that just a perfect statement? Said by a guy who gave more to charity each month than most entrepreneurs make in their lifetimes…


So here’s the thing: If you’re trying to build your business and you want to do it by just tapping into more of your potentials… then you’re in trouble.To put it bluntly, you’re screwed. It just doesn’t work that way.  You CAN NOT learn and do everything in your biz.

You can’t be the website programmer, the content provider, the social media manager, and everything in between… there’s just not enough time in the day. If you try and do EVERYTHING yourself… all that happens, is you end up with a whole bunch of uncompleted tasks, and nothing ever get’s completed…

Believe me– I used to try and do everything my first year in business – and at the end of the day, my brain would literally hurt– just from all the stress of having to learn new things, then try to apply them.

My business did not take off untill I learned to ‘let go’ and built a team around me who were better at certain tasks, to take care of the details…so I could focus on the Growing the Business.

The problem with most business owners is that they are thinking small. You must understand, your business is NOT You and you are NOT your Business. Here are some of the concerns you might have:

  • “I’m afraid of getting ripped off”
  • “It’s quicker if I just get it done myself”
  • “No one else understands my business like me, so it would take too long to explain everything to them.”
Once you know how to grow your business the right way, these are just a complete piece of cake……because the jobs get done on time, up to spec, and are done to a much higher standard than if you’d tried to do it yourself.


So here’s the deal: 

Anyone Who Stops Learning Is Old…

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” — Henry Ford



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