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New Year’s Day is every person’s birthday

It gives us the chance to start anew.

New year resolutions are as old as civilization itself.

4000 years ago, the Babylonians were said to be the first people to AIM at resolving to be better in the new year,

For the Chinese, a gathering of family and friends offers to way to mend broken relationships and strengthen old ones.

The Greeks would parade babies in a basket to depict god’s annual rebirth.

Egyptians would also use infants as a symbol of rebirth.

The Romans named January after Janus, the mythical king with two faces,

One in front and the other at the back of the head.

He could look back at the past and forward into the future.

So January 1st became the symbol for making new resolutions.

Romans sought forgiveness from their enemies and exchanged gifts with friends.

They gave each other Coins, imprinted with Janus’ depicting his two faces.

Today, people resolve to making more money, get in-shape or quit bad-habits,

But the way they start it is like the new year being a fresh start for their old habits.

Most people go about setting their New Year goals all wrong.

survey shows that most people forget their New Year promises by the first two weeks of the new year,

Almost everybody would have forgotten them by midyear.

And that’s why 91% of resolutions fail.

But this won’t happen to you in 2018. Here’s why…

Over the past year, I’ve dedicated my time to sharing my journey as an internet entrepreneur on my blog, I wrote and published what I learned on Amazon and reignited my ThinkMaverick Magazine.

I want to help more people to stay focused, become more productive, and have an even more fulfilling year ahead.


2017 has been a very fulfilling year for me,

and a whole lot more,


Resolutions are easier said than done.

I didn’t start by shooting for the moon at the beginning of the year. 

AIMED to be a little better at what I do each day. And a little less impatient with progress.

Most call it Self-improvement. I call it the Maverick Pledge.

Here I’ll share my best ways for you to keep your New Year’s pledges.

Even better—I’m giving it to you for being part of my journey.

You can get immediate access to my magazine today.

Download my App Store Mag here 

If you run on Android, check this link out.

When you finish going through All these magazine issues you’ll get…


You’ll also get access to the tactics, habits, and routines from Maverick Icons like Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos. (And you’ll see why each of these magazine issues is full of life-changing ideas and golden-nuggets. I don’t allow advertisers in my mag)


And best of all, you’ll get download my Guide books at 100% off the regular price.

>>> Get access to Jack Ma, Alibaba and the 40 Thieves of Success

>>> Get access to Anthony Robbins: The Only 12 Biggest Life-Changing ideas from Tony Robbins That Struggling Entrepreneurs Need!

When Jack Ma, Alibaba and the 40 Thieves of Success was published , within 24 hours it became the Top 100 Free books in the Kindle Store. It also hit the #2 Charts on



Looking forward to helping you pursue your passions, achieve your goals, and live your dream life in 2018.

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