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How to Get Your First Thousand Email Subscribers for FREE!

How to Get Your First Thousand Email Subscribers for FREE! thinkmaverick

How to Get Your First Thousand Email Subscribers for FREE!Getting to one thousand email subscribers feels impossible.


It was for me too initially.


Emails are one of the highest converting marketing channels out there. But how do you collect emails when you don’t have any money to spend and you have little to no visitors?


There are more than 4 billion people using email today. That’s more than half the world’s population.  And the data shows that this number increases every year.


In addition, email still is the best and most cost effective way for small business owners to grow an audience, engage and increase revenue.


That’s why getting to your first one thousand email subscriber is more important than ever.


But here’s the problem – most people don’t even know where to start.


They’re paralyzed with indecision. ”Should I build my social media following? Or start writing my first blog post? What about SEO?”  yadda yadda yadda. 


Today, I want to show you a reliable way to get more subscribers and grow your business…


Without wasting time and money on marketing that doesn’t work.


And I can do it all in 1 day for FREE!


Best of all, it’s automated through a simple tool.


Check it out.


Feel free to copy me.


Step #1: Build a List w/ EngageMessage


Before you can even begin to think about email marketing strategies or master the art of writing email subject lines; first you need people to send emails to.


So, how do you get started building your list without spending a dime?


You start by adding a landing page or a form on your blog and ask your visitors to leave their emails in exchange for The Carrot.


The day I transformed into a blogger, was also the same day I decided to add my first landing page.


Offer them an incentive.


Think of their email as a personal address. – You wouldn’t want to divulge your home address away to a stranger without a good reason, right?


Offering an incentive which is personal to you, yet valuable to them is the best way to get them to leave their personal email addresses.


You can start in the simplest of ways and then grow in complexity from there. There are a ton of ways you can do this. Some prefer a newsletter, others an ebook.


If your insights are unique, you can strive to offer them fun, interesting tidbits every day.


Ask yourself this; what makes you special? Or rather what makes you tick… For example, my self-publishing day-to-day guide offers my subscribers a simple motivation to open up my email every morning.


The EngageMessage app offers you a free way to setup landing pages and forms on your website in three simple steps.


There are many different design templates to choose from. Choose one that suits your niche and identity.


IF you want to take your incentive a tad more personal; you can offer subscribers a checklist of your new Paleo diet, or a checklist for moving, buying a house or even travelling.


Here’s a thought: A Popup Form can also attract subscribers who are about to leave your website for your competitors. Offer them the right prize and you could bag tons of emails this way.


At the end of the day, there’s no right or wrong plan for turning visitors into subscribers. All you need is a clear purpose where your visitors heed your strong call to action and a convincing sales copy.


This is what sets you apart from the millions of landing pages out there. 


WORDS! Words could mean a world of difference.


Words are power, words build trust, words build credibility, words are EVERYthing


Think about it. Almost every decision you make is based on what someone has said to you or because of something you have read.


Heck, even The Internet is founded on WORDS!


The only and I mean ONLY reason people enter their email is because they believe in the huge benefit your content will provide them.


Guess what?


The best way to portray that belief is through WORDS!


Okay because you read it’s obvious you get the point by now.


Which leads us to…


Step #2: Design Aesthetic Emails


Email marketing is about content, creativity and consistency.


Creativity means personal. Don’t waste energy in taking short cuts, add your own personal touch. Don’t be in a hurry to grow your email list. It doesn’t take a huge subscribers base to engage.


I always tell people to put themselves in the reader’s shoes.


Remember your first impression of having received an email that you don’t recall ever asking to receive it.


Typically, this happens when you fail to make an impression from the very start.


Or you failed in maintaining a regular email routine.


For this reason, make sure your subscribers remember you – the best way to do this is to give your email designs a personal touch.


Using the email templates provided by EngageMessage, I can now choose the best format based on my target audience and make instant improvements to optimize for mobile with my copy, images and overall design and layout.


Indeed, here are more reasons why you should focus more on the design & layout of your email;



But not just in any other format… 


Litmus analyzed nearly 3 billion email opens in early 2021 and found that 43% of them are done via the mobile environment. And out of that percentage, 39% of email opens is through an Apple iPhone.


Crucially, it’s time to start thinking about mobile tweaks across your entire email marketing campaign.


Your readers’ are not simply going to forgive you for the poor design. They’ll simply click ”unsubscribe”.


Step #3: Automate Email Campaigns


When you first start out, sending one-off emails to your list may feel familiar and comfortable, but automation opens the door of possibilities.


As your email list grows, so does the amount of time you need to keep them engaged.


Sending 3 emails in a single day and then going dark for the next couple of days is not a good way of leaving an impression.


You want to make sure your audience consistently sees you in their inbox but not overtly aggressive. Consistency is persuasive. It is a powerful agent to the uninitiated. 


To your readers, maintaining this illusion of robotic punctuality is what differentiates you from the amateurs. And you can achieve this simply by automating your marketing campaigns with the EngageMessage app.


Bulk Schedule the emails on your phone. Choose who will receive them based on your predetermined entry rules. Now you roll out a series of emails over weeks or months ahead to thousands of your subscribers for FREE


This will save you loads of time. Now you can plan the content ahead of time and focus on improving your copywriting.


Take On Less, Accomplish More.


Step #4: Build Better Relationships



Now that you understand the basics, let’s take it to the next level.


Learn how your readers consume. You can rewire them to be more attentive whenever you push out content. All minds work that way.


Using segmentation, you can profile each reader and become more targeted in your campaigns. It’s simple. You can tag them with different rules and segment them based on their behavior interacting with your emails.

Free Email Marketing On the Go using EngageMessage:

Josh owns an online shop. He uses the app to set up a popup form and inserted it in his online shop. He also created a welcome series, so every time a new subscriber joins, the system will automatically send the subscriber a welcome email.


When new shoppers visit his shop, the form pops up and asks the shoppers to sign up with email address. The popup form also includes a checkbox asking the shoppers if they want to receive emails about the sales info.


When the shopper is subscribed, the system will automatically add shopper data to the Contacts list. Josh can see:

1. when the shopper visited the site, and subscribed;

2. what city the shopper comes from;

3. which form was used to subscribe;

4. when is the last time the shopper open and click the email;

5. if the shopper choose to receive emails about the sales info, there will be a custom tag “accept sales info” added to this contact.


When Josh wants to do a promotion on his shop, he can create an automated ongoing email campaign and send to all subscribers with “accept sales info” tag rule.


Any future subscribers that match the same rule will automatically receive the promotion email.


Step #5: Reply Customers in One Place


Talk Less to Be Heard More.


Friday Night Lights (the movie) has a famous scene where a notoriously quiet player gives a riveting speech that turns around a game. He rarely spoke up, so when he did, it hit. Hard. If you want to be heard, talk less.


You’ll find more power in your words.


EngageMessage allows you to do just that. Save ALL your responses for the common questions and send them in a single click. The best part is, you can get it ALL done in ONE place within the App inbox.


This cool feature will prevent you from burning out


That’s it. You just learned 80% of the rules of good email marketing. You’re welcome.


Sharpen your email marketing arsenal. Take EngageMessage for a Test Drive. It’s free and you can send unlimited emails and manage thousands of subscribers. *hint* including free usage on their advanced features.

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