Top 10 Inspirational Bhagavad Gita Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Everyone faces challenges, big and small, in their everyday life. Arjuna’s dilemma was a big one.    Facing an opposing army containing his respected elders, friends and relatives, Arjuna is confused. At the critical moment, he seeks advice from his charioteer, Lord Krishna who has revealed some profound words of advice that still relevant today.  …


Entrepreneur: Anthony Robbins The Only 12 Biggest Life-Changing ideas from Tony Robbins That Struggling Entrepreneurs Need!

  This post contains more than 10,000 words. Orignally published in an eBook format –Entrepreneur: Anthony Robbins The Only 12 Biggest Life-Changing ideas from Tony Robbins That Struggling Entrepreneurs Need! It’s much easier to consume in PDF format. We made a comprehensive PDF of this post for offline viewing. To donwload this free eBook, sign-up…


What I Learned from Adversity

What I Learned from Adversity Adversity got me a true friend, it got me into writing, it got me to be self-aware, it tested my resolve, it got me into spiritual enlightenment, it got my company started, and it opened up my eyes to stuff that I have not noticed around me before.   I…
